Communication that Engages Stakeholders to Influence Development Policies

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Communication that Engages Stakeholders to Influence Development Policies
17 June 2017

A lesson from the Global Partnership Initiative on Results and Mutual Accountability

One of the principles of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) is to recognise the different and complementary roles of all development actors. This makes multi-stakeholder and multi-level communication key to successful development.

A two-year pilot programme on the use of Country Results Framework (CRF), which was initiated by the Global Partnership Initiative on Results and Mutual Accountability (GPI-R&MA) has provided experiences of multi-level communication that places decisions in the hands of key players. The programme was piloted in about 20 countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Because it is one of the GPI-R&MA’s principles that the CRF should be country-led and based on the country’s needs and priorities, a communication process was designed to actively engage key players from partner countries.

The CRF programme was co-designed and implemented with the assistance of regional platforms: the NEPAD Agency in Africa, the Asia-Pacific Development Effectiveness Facility (AP-DEF) in Asia-Pacific and Proyecto Mesoamérica (PM) in Latin America & Caribbean.  These regional platforms have substantial experience in working with partner countries in various areas of development.


Each platform identified a regional focus for the use of its country results framework and communicated to key players in their respective countries to ensure the focus suited the contexts at country level. For example, the Asia-Pacific focus was on linking development finance with results; in Africa, the emphasis was on the quality of the respective CRFs and linking them with the national development plans; and in Latin America the priority was on promoting institutional linkages between the various national planning and finance functions, and on developing training material.

Throughout the implementation, the platforms facilitated regional communication among countries to discuss what was working well or not, and why. During this inter-regional dialogue, while the specificity of each country was considered, common key messages emerged, which led to discussions at the global level.  The GPI-R&MA co-chairs — Switzerland and Bangladesh — together with the regional coordinators, combined the regional experiences and formulated key political messages, which were presented to the GPEDC’s second High Level Meeting which took place in Nairobi, Kenya late 2016, and became one of the inputs to its Outcome Document.

The GPI-R&MA’s communication process during the implementation of the pilot programme provides a good example of how to engage key development players in partner countries to influence national, regional and global development policies. Click here to read more details on the implementation of the country frameworks programme in the regions.


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